Eclipse/GTK+ Button Sizing Bug

Eclipse 3.0 and earlier has trouble with certain GTK+ themes that add extra padding around buttons: the effect is that buttons are sized too short for their contents because we do not consider the border.

This bug shows up pretty badly with some recent themes. They are:

The problem got a lot worse in GTK+ 2.4.2 and up. This release included a change which reduces the height allocated for the contents of a button to fix problems where the focus ring was being drawn over top of button contents. This means that the "Industrial" theme is usable with GTK+ 2.4.1 and earlier. See Eclipse bug 76965.

There is a workaround in SWT for this problem which I believe should be added in distribution packages should this be an issue. The patch should make Eclipse much more usable. A more complete fix is being implemented for Eclipse 3.1. The workaround and patch can be found in Eclipse bug 73717. For more information on the bug, see Eclipse bug 68568.

Hope this helps, let me know if you're having problems.